Code of Conduct

At N. F. String & Son, Inc., we believe in conducting business with integrity, equity, and moral considerations. Our commitment to these principles is embedded in our code of conduct, which guides our interactions with others and shapes our internal practices. 

1.) Treat others how you wish to be treated 

2.) Obey all rules and laws  

3.) Fair and ethical practices 

1.) Treat others how you wish to be treated

1.1 At N. F. String & Son, Inc., we consider our workplace not just a professional space but an extended family. We strongly believe that mutual respect, effective communication, and a supportive atmosphere are crucial for the success and well-being of our team. 

1.2 Always be respectful of your fellow co-workers and treat them with the same respect and courtesy that you expect in return. Recognize the unique contributions each team member brings to the workplace, fostering a culture of appreciation and collaboration. Never hesitate to talk with a manager or supervisor if you are having any problems with a coworker so that they can help resolve the issue(s) and maintain a healthy work environment for everyone. N. F. String & Son, Inc strongly believes that coworkers are extended family. You should enjoy coming to work and feeling supported by your colleagues and supporting them in return.  

We each play an integral role in shaping the culture of our company and by upholding this code of conduct, we contribute to a positive and productive work environment that benefits us all. 

1.3 At N. F. String & Son, Inc., we believe that open and clear communication is the cornerstone of successful partnerships. Whether working with our valued suppliers or serving our customers, we adhere to the same principles that define our internal interactions: honesty, transparency, and a commitment to excellence. 

 We strive to provide the best product and/or service for our customers. As part of this commitment, we encourage you to ask yourself a crucial question: “Would I be happy with the product or service I am providing?” If you answer no, then the customer will likely feel the same way. This mindset ensures that our customers receive the quality they deserve. If any issues are identified, notify a manager or supervisor immediately. By addressing concerns promptly, we uphold our commitment to delivering excellence and treating others how we wish to be treated.  

2.) Obey all rules and law

2.1 At N. F. String & Son, Inc., the well-being and safety of our employees are paramount. We want to reiterate our commitment to providing a secure and compliant workplace by adhering to all federal and state labor laws. This ensures that each member of our team has the legal protections and rights they deserve. Employees are encouraged to talk with management if they observe anything that can be improved for the betterment of the employees and company.  

2.2 Each employee must follow all safety rules set forth by management, as well as state and federal laws. These guidelines and rules are in place to protect the health and safety of each employee and to maintain a secure workplace for everyone.  

An employee is strictly prohibited from being under the influence or impaired while on the job, whether you are an office worker, on the processing/manufacturing floors, or a driver for N. F. String & Son, Inc. This policy is to ensure the safety of you and your coworkers.  

Always be aware of surrounding machinery and follow machine prompts accurately and attentively. Use proper safety equipment, such as glasses, vests, hearing protection, etc.  

2.3 To ensure your safety and maintain a secure work environment, it is top priority that you are familiar with all emergency procedures and safety protocols. 

 In case of an emergency, be familiar with all emergency exits, meet up locations, fire extinguishers, eye washing stations, and first aid kits. Knowing these vital details will help you respond efficiently and effectively during emergencies. 

 In the event of an injury, no matter how minor it may seem, report it to your manager or supervisor immediately. This guarantees that the proper steps and care can be taken promptly, promoting the well-being of each employee. 

 If you ever see, hear, and/or smell something unusual, report it to your manager or supervisor immediately. Timely reporting allows situations to be investigated and addressed promptly, contributing to a safer work environment for you and your coworkers.  

We strive to create a safe work environment so everyone feels secure and can perform their duties without concerns for their safety. Your vigilance and adherence to these safety guidelines are crucial for the overall well-being of our team. 

3.) Fair and ethical practices

3.1 At N. F. String & Son, Inc., we are proud to foster an inclusive workplace where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is welcome. We believe our strength lies within the unique backgrounds, perspectives, and talents of each employee. Employment is open to all individuals who are willing and able to perform the job regardless of your race, gender, or background. N. F. String & Son, Inc.’s embrace of diversity is a key component of our success and innovation.  

We strive to create an inclusive workplace where you feel respected, valued, and have equal opportunities for growth and development. You are encouraged to appreciate and learn from the differences that make each of us unique. By fostering an environment that celebrates diversity, we create a culture that is not only welcoming but also conducive to creativity and collaboration. 

3.1 We follow a strict anti-bribery protocol to maintain the highest standards of integrity and fairness in all our business dealings. We do not tolerate any form of bribery, kickbacks, or unethical practices. Individual gifts sent to a specific employee from a supplier and/or customer should not be accepted. This helps to ensure that our business relationships are built on transparency, trust, and fairness. 

3.2 At N. F. String & Son, Inc. we prioritize the well-being and success of our employees and are proud to offer a range of comprehensive benefits including fair living wages for all employees and the opportunity to join the 401k plan. In addition, each employee is enrolled in an adjustable, comprehensive healthcare plan to fit you and your family’s needs.